Manual Physical Therapy

Providing individualized, hands-on care

At VSI Physical Therapy, our physical therapists work one-on-one with each patient to maximize healing and functional movement. Your physical therapy experience begins with a comprehensive and thorough evaluation – not just where your pain is located, but also in adjacent areas that may be contributing to your symptoms. Our physical therapists are experts at finding the source of your symptoms and working with you to develop a plan to resolve them. Your care will be customized to your needs at every visit – using a combination of hands-on therapy techniques, targeted therapeutic exercise, and education to help you feel and perform your best. We listen to your goals and put a plan in place to help you achieve them!


The proper and effective delivery of manual therapy is a highly perfected skill. The knowledge and experience your physical therapist has in delivering specific manual therapy techniques can make the difference between success and failure in physical therapy. Our physical therapists hold advanced degrees and certifications in orthopedics and manual physical therapy.

Active Release Technique (ART) is a soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. The goal of ART as a form of physical therapy treatment, is to restore optimal texture, motion, and function of the soft tissue by releasing muscular restrictions and release any entrapped nerves or blood vessels in over-used muscles.

Similar to strain and counterstrain, joint mobilizations and manipulation have been proven to inhibit muscular tension through reflexes between the spinal cord, muscle spindles, and golgi tendon organs. Joints that prevent mobility through articular restrictions often have varying degrees of directions limiting movement. Therefore, varying grades of joint mobilization are used by physical therapists depending on the acuteness or chronicity of restriction, irritability of the joint, or type of joint dysfunction.

Myofascial release is a manual soft tissue therapy used to treat pain and improve range of motion. The restricted tissues are manipulated to promote normal sliding and gliding movements of muscles and fascia. Relaxing restricted tissues promotes increased circulation and allows stimulation of the muscles and fascia.

Soft Tissue Mobilization includes manual therapy techniques that are designed to relieve pain derived from muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Such techniques are tailored to our patients specific needs and may include myofascial release, cross friction massage, effleurage, pettrasage, deep tissue strumming and broadening, strain and counter strain or active release techniques. It is one of the most commonly utilized interventions in physical therapy clinics.

The strain and counterstrain approach to physical therapy treatment is an effective intervention choice for acute soft tissue dysfunction because it is gentle, atraumatic, and can be used without contraindications. When using strain and counterstrain, the patients’ body is moved slowly in non-painful directions until the therapist identifies positions of decreased muscular tension, reported relief, and palpable trigger points.

Traction is a treatment technique often used by a physical therapist to reduce/relieve pressure of joints. It is most commonly used to relieve pressure on the spine for lower back pain and neck pain. Spinal traction can be performed either manually or mechanically. It is used to treat herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, compressed nerves by “stretching” the spine, thereby taking pressure off overly compressed intervertebral discs by reversing the effects of gravity on the body. By eliminating painful pressure the body is able to improve its ability to heal itself.

spine specialized physical therapy

Discover the Benefits

Of VSI Physical Therapy

We redefine physical therapy through several defining principles: 

  • We do not compromise when it comes to delivering the best physical therapy experience to our patients.
  • We provide the highest-quality physical therapy treatments in the best treatment model possible with one-on-one sessions lasting one-hour. 
  • We have highly-educated and expert Physical Therapists that are the best in the region. Our providers are passionate about delivering the most cutting-edge and innovative therapeutic treatments possible by using a combination of hands-on manual therapy techniques and targeted exercise tailored to your needs.
  • Providing you with a state-of-art facility and the best equipment available to assist in your recovery.
  • We take pride in to ensure each patient with the best customer experience at every appointment, and most importantly.
  • Also conveniently providing aquatic therapy, massage therapy, personal training, and nutritional counseling as an adjunct to your care.
  • We are fully committed to guiding you through your Physical Therapy and Wellness Programs to help rehabilitate your injury, get you back doing the things you love to do, and improve your life.
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy
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Stretching Person
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Living Life Again

Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy,Manual Physical Therapy

At VSI, we celebrate every patient’s unique journey as a series of victories, regardless of how big or small. Our logo and brand were crafted for you, our incredible patients. Your progress towards your goals deserves the spotlight, reflecting our commitment to individualized treatment and care. Your Victories are what make VSI who we are! #MyVictoryStory

Frequently Asked Questions

Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists provides their patients with the very best in rehabilitative care for all types of orthopedic conditions and spinal conditions. This is done through the unique and comprehensive all under-one-roof treatment model.  Whether you are overcoming a sports injury, recovering after surgery, or are looking to resolve that nagging pain, we’ll get you back to your active lifestyle.

Patients who experience physical therapy at other practices frequently remark that their experience with us makes an impact on them. We provide the highest level and quality of care in the greater Washington, DC Metropolitan area. And are dedicated to working one-on-one with you and only you!

You will have the unique experience of being treated consistently by the same physical therapist(s) for your initial evaluation and follow up treatments. Each visit is approximately one hour and will include a combination of hands-on manual therapy, exercise, and other modalities specifically tailored to your needs.

Get The Pain Relief You Need
From Hands-On (Manual) Physical Therapy

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