ASK THE EXPERT: What Is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

ASK THE EXPERT: What Is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is a buzzword often thrown around by doctors and patients seeking the best surgical option for their neck or back pain. And for good reason!  MISS offers the same post-surgical benefits as traditional spine surgery, but with much less trauma. Until recently, many surgeons needed to make large incisions which required…

Top 3 Reasons To Have Spine Surgery

Top 3 Reasons To Have Spine Surgery

We’ve seen over 100,000 patients at VSI, and many of them have never stepped foot in the OR. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 90% of our patients can be treated non-operatively with physical therapy, spinal injections, regenerative medicine, or a combination of these treatment options. So why would a patient ever need spinal surgery? We’ve compiled the…

Ask The Expert: Which Spinal Surgery Could Be Best For Me?

Ask The Expert: Which Spinal Surgery Could Be Best For Me?

For the few people who have a spinal problem that require surgery it can be very difficult to make the decision about which surgical option is right for them. There’s always a balance between wanting to find the smallest procedure with the least pain and the fastest return to a normal life, and making sure…