Newest Treatment Options For Degenerative Disc Disease Sufferers!

Newest Treatment Options For Degenerative Disc Disease Sufferers!

Lower back pain is the second most common complaint made by patients to their primary care doctors. In fact, it’s estimated that 331 million Americans suffer from lower back pain each year, and 50% of adults will experience at least one day of back pain every year. There are many reasons why we experience lower…

Discover The Real Truth Behind Spinal Fusions…

Discover The Real Truth Behind Spinal Fusions…

So your doctor has recommended a spinal fusion — what does that mean?  Many people subscribe to the antiquated thought that fusion surgeries are accompanied with long recovery times and pain after surgery. This is no longer true! Join the 21st century and learn about Virginia Spine Institute’s advanced minimally invasive surgeries that reduce recovery time and post-operative pain….