RUNNERS! Avoid These 3 Off-Season Pitfalls to Have the Best Training Season Yet

RUNNERS! Avoid These 3 Off-Season Pitfalls to Have the Best Training Season Yet

As the saying goes, champions are made in the off-season. Don’t make these common mistakes and sabotage your chances to have your best season yet! If you have any unresolved injuries or are curious to see how physical therapy can help prepare you for your best race yet, let one of our expert physical therapists at VTFC help you have a successful and pain-free running season. 

Don’t Slip! Tips from a Spine Surgeon on How to Safely Navigate the Ice this Winter

Don’t Slip! Tips from a Spine Surgeon on How to Safely Navigate the Ice this Winter

There are ‘snow days off’ from winter weather here on the east coast. But you can prepare yourself for the hazards of the ice and snow to protect yourself from injury and even landing in the hospital.  While the weather this week has kept most of us inside, once it’s time to break out of…

American Heart Month: Why Your Neurologist Is Concerned About Your Heart Health

American Heart Month: Why Your Neurologist Is Concerned About Your Heart Health

Headaches of all kinds can occur when the cardiovascular system is not working correctly. For example, when your blood pressure is consistently high, the walls of the blood vessels take a pounding. This high pressure can lead to a break in the vessel wall, or a dissection. It can also lead to a small pouch…

Don’t Let Your Winter Workout Hibernate. Tips For a Safe & Comfortable Outdoor Workout

Don’t Let Your Winter Workout Hibernate. Tips For a Safe & Comfortable Outdoor Workout

Well, it’s that time of year again. The holidays are long over, but those pesky extra pounds from indulging in the holiday eats. Unfortunately, as the snow piles up (or in the case of this year, the never-ending threat of snow) and the temperature drops, so does our motivation to exercise. Just because the temperature…

American Heart Month: Zeroing in on Dementia and Cardiovascular Health

American Heart Month: Zeroing in on Dementia and Cardiovascular Health

While the focus this month is on cardiovascular health, it is important to keep in mind that what’s bad for the heart tends to also be bad for the brain. The brain is supplied by several blood vessels, all arising from the aorta, which pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body….

American Heart Health Month: Why Our Neurologist Advocates for Heart Health to Maintain Healthy Brain Activity

American Heart Health Month: Why Our Neurologist Advocates for Heart Health to Maintain Healthy Brain Activity

While the focus this month is on cardiovascular health, it is important to keep in mind that what’s bad for the heart tends to also be bad for the brain. The brain is supplied by several blood vessels, all arising from the aorta, which pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body….