As Seen in USA Today: Tips for Pain-Free Travel

Are you eager to head to your favorite destination this summer but worried about your lingering back pain being aggravated by long, seated trips? We’ve got you covered. Lindsay Orosz, Physician Assistant, divulged a few effective tips for keeping your stress and back pain at bay during long car rides or flights. These tips can even be useful for your at-home workspace when it starts to feel stale and cramped. Even if you can’t head out to the beach just yet, keep this information in your back pocket to get the most use out of your office space.

As seen in USA Today:

Although the idea of ‘getting away from it all this summer is appealing to some, the thought of travel for those with back and neck pain might cause some hesitation.  Travel by car is a bit more manageable because you can stop for as many ‘stretch and walk’ breaks as needed, adjust not only where you sit (if you aren’t the driver), and adjust your seat’s position.  Heated seats are a bonus if you have them, as heat is known to relax tight muscles.  

On the other hand, air travel is not so simple as we have much less control of the situation.  The seats on an airplane are notoriously uncomfortable if you aren’t able to fly business or first class.  However, there is an exciting new trend in inflatables, that can get you to your destination with little to no increase in pain.  You can search different brands online and prices can vary, but start your search with Magellan’s to understand the concept from a trusted travel brand.

Additional lumbar support is necessary for those with low back pain.  Check out Magellan’s luxe inflatable lumbar back cushion.  This device is affordable, inflates with only 3 puffs of air, and deflates with the touch of a button for easy storage.  Inflatable footrests are also available, which can improve your posture while in flight.  Poor posture definitely adds to pre-existing back pain.  People who suffer from neck pain also benefit from additional support, especially if they like to sleep during the flight.  Check out Magellan’s luxe inflatable neck pillow, which again inflates and deflates easily, allowing each person to customize the amount of pressure to support their individual needs.

Finally, choose an aisle seat if possible.  This allows you to get up and walk up and down the aisle from time to time to avoid stiffness, poor posture, leg cramps, and gets the blood circulating better.  While seated don’t forget the benefits of closing your eyes and taking some nice, slow, long deep breaths.  Deep breathing can help relax the mind and the muscles to decrease the stress and pain of travel.  Bon voyage!

Head to USA Today to read the full article.

Has your back or neck pain escalated after recent travel? Schedule a consultation with one of our spine specialists.

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