chris cline hiking

Disc Replacement & Fusion: The Ultimate Back Pain Solution

Half of the global workforce spends at least 75% of their time standing. This includes professions like educators, hospitality workers, first responders, and military personnel. For people like Chris, a middle school principal, this reality can lead to debilitating back pain, especially given the high activity levels required in his profession. Finding Back Pain Relief…

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Patient Testimonial: Healing a Disc Herniation Without Surgery

Do Spine Surgeons Always Recommend Surgery? I’m sure you’ve heard this before and maybe thought it yourself — if you go to a surgeon, they’re just going to recommend surgery. While I can’t speak for all surgeons, data clearly shows that isn’t always the case. There are so many treatment options to help patients dealing…

chris and his sons on the mountain

From Back Pain to Snowboarding: Hybrid Spine Surgery Success

Chris Denkers came to spine surgeon Dr. Good in severe pain. An active person, Chris wanted to get better not just for himself but also to keep up with his kids. Chris and his wife Laura have extraordinary 15-year-old identical twin boys, Wyatt and Riley, who have cystic fibrosis. This genetic disease affects their lungs,…

jama weight lifting

An Inspiring Story: Recovery After Spine Surgery

As Featured on Men’s Health Network: Thriving After Surgery Men’s Health Network recently had the pleasure of interviewing the dynamic duo of Jama Anders, a professional weightlifter and longtime Crossfit instructor, and his spine surgeon, Dr. Ehsan Jazini, who, in a seemingly miraculous intervention, was able to perform a disc replacement on Jama that would…

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From Spine Surgery to the Starting Line: An Runner’s Comeback Story

Thirty-six-year-old Kathleen Smith of Maryland has been a hardcore athlete her entire life. She started softball at age four and played through college. Back pain has always been a part of her life since at least middle school, but athletic trainers helped her manage it while she was on a team. After college, she moved…