chris cline hiking

Disc Replacement & Fusion: The Ultimate Back Pain Solution

Half of the global workforce spends at least 75% of their time standing. This includes professions like educators, hospitality workers, first responders, and military personnel. For people like Chris, a middle school principal, this reality can lead to debilitating back pain, especially given the high activity levels required in his profession. Finding Back Pain Relief…

chris and his sons on the mountain

From Back Pain to Snowboarding: Hybrid Spine Surgery Success

Chris Denkers came to spine surgeon Dr. Good in severe pain. An active person, Chris wanted to get better not just for himself but also to keep up with his kids. Chris and his wife Laura have extraordinary 15-year-old identical twin boys, Wyatt and Riley, who have cystic fibrosis. This genetic disease affects their lungs,…

jama weight lifting

An Inspiring Story: Recovery After Spine Surgery

As Featured on Men’s Health Network: Thriving After Surgery Men’s Health Network recently had the pleasure of interviewing the dynamic duo of Jama Anders, a professional weightlifter and longtime Crossfit instructor, and his spine surgeon, Dr. Ehsan Jazini, who, in a seemingly miraculous intervention, was able to perform a disc replacement on Jama that would…

Dr. Jazini performs 100th prodisc cervical disc replacement surgery

Spine Surgery Milestone: Dr. Ehsan Jazini Achieves Landmark 100th prodisc® Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Reston, Virginia, September 18, 2024 – Dr. Ehsan Jazini, renowned spine surgeon at VSI (Virginia Spine Institute), has reached a significant milestone, performing his 100th prodisc® cervical disc replacement surgery at HCA Reston Hospital Center. Dr. Jazini is now the fourth surgeon in the United States to achieve this distinction, further…

Anatomy of man with back pain

Dispelling a Common Myth About Spine Surgery

When people have a back injury, they’re often concerned they won’t ever get better. But I’m here to tell you that modern spinal healthcare is one of the great advances over the past decade. Whether it’s through robotic surgery, stem cell therapies or minimally invasive procedures, people are getting better faster, spending less time in…

man having lower back pain in the woods

Minimally Invasive Options For Spinal Stenosis In The Lower Back

What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? The spinal canal is the hollow passage formed by the spine, through which the spinal cord travels. Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to the portion of the spinal cord in the lower spine (lumbar region) being pinched in the canal (stenosis). What Are the Symptoms of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? When lumbar spinal stenosis…

woman having neck pain while working from home

Surgery For A Herniated Disc In The Neck? You’ve Got Options!

Herniated discs in the neck are often associated with pain and weakness/numbness trailing down the neck, shoulder, and even into the arms. This is a result of nerve compression along the spinal cord and can lead to long-term damage if not managed successfully. If you’ve tried conservative treatment options like rest and physical therapy, spine…

Operating room lights

ASK THE EXPERT: Will I Lose Neck Mobility After Surgery?

A common concern that patients have when discussing spinal surgery is whether they will lose mobility and function after the procedure.  This question frequently comes from fear arising from urban myth or historic outcomes from older surgical techniques. Not Your Grandma’s Spine Surgery In modern spinal surgery, the operations are designed to minimize trauma to…